Hey! Have you paid your dues?
Here’s a little secret for you — the power and authority of God originate from one source, and that’s God himself. It’s like a divine energy that can’t be bestowed upon you unless it’s been given first by the Big Man Upstairs.
You can attend all the programs, get hands laid on you, and read every religious text cover to cover, but at the end of the day, you’re still going to have to roll up your sleeves and do the work. The fasting, the prayers, the obedience, and most importantly, the intimacy with God — it’s all part of the package.
Your spiritual journey will demand discipline. You’ll need to cultivate a genuine relationship with the Lord, loving from a sincere heart. In other words, you’ll have to build your personal spiritual altar.
Otherwise, you might find yourself armed with religious vocabulary but lacking the power to back it up. You might even become a master imitator, but without the divine spark, it’s all smoke and mirrors. Remember, Jesus warned against setting out without power. After all, it’s a spiritual jungle out there!
What I’m trying to say here is this: if you want to reach the spiritual heights of the great ones before you, be prepared to pay your dues, with the most important being the price of intimacy with God. Yes, those wise old sages may have blazed trails in the spirit world, but there’s no substitute for knowing the Lord yourself and having Him acknowledge you as His.
Without that, you won’t have anything substantial. So while you’re scurrying around seeking blessings and coveting spiritual gifts, remember to wait on the Lord. Everything else will be built upon your closeness with Him.
To sum it up: chase after God relentlessly. And if you’re thinking you can manipulate God, well, let’s just say He’s quite the chess master when it comes to the game of hearts.
Remain blessed!