Welcome to March!
These things I pray;
To See Christ more clearly
Love Him more dearly
Follow Him more nearly
I will by His grace remember that I am not exempt from His statutes
and do all His bidding so that grace will not be to me licentiousness
I will be full of thanksgiving
Nothing will steal, nor threaten my Joy
For my gaze, will be fixed firmly on Him seen and things unseen.
I will satisfy the Lord with me and be drunk on His passion
I will remember to put others first the way Christ did for me
The Spirit will help in bridling my mouth so words from it are full of grace
He will sanctify my heart so my thoughts are pure
That I will seek the Lord in all my ways and be diligent in the things I do
Oh, lines are falling for me in pleasant places, God is indeed my inheritance.
It is a great month You will see!